Category CSS

CSS ::Selection Selector with Example

An example of CSS ::selection selector.

The ::selection selector in CSS is a pseudo-element that selects a portion of the document selected or highlighted by the user in the browser using mouse or any other pointing device. Generally, it will occur when a user drags their…

CSS ::after Selector with Example

Example of adding background-image after the content using ::after pseudo-element.

The ::after selector in CSS is a pseudo-element that is used to insert something immediately after the content of each selected element(s). You can use the ::after pseudo-element to add insert decorative elements, icons, or additional text after an element…

CSS Tutorial: Learn to Style Like a Pro

Welcome to Scientech Easy’s CSS Tutorial. Our CSS tutorial is designed for beginners as well as professionals, and it is based on the latest CSS3 version. This tutorial will teach you everything from basic to advanced concepts of CSS with…

CSS ::before Selector with Example

CSS ::before selector example.

The ::before selector in CSS is a pseudo-element that is used to insert something immediately before the content of each selected element(s). You can use the ::before pseudo-element to add or insert cosmetic content before an element using the content…

Pseudo Elements in CSS with Examples

Syntax for using pseudo elements in CSS.

Pseudo elements in CSS allow you to style specific parts of an element that is not directly accessible with normal CSS selectors. For example, you can use pseudo-elements to: Style the first letter of a paragraph using ::first-letter pseudo element.…